Roof Overlay

Over time, the shingles of a roof can take some major wear-and-tear. If not appropriately treated, worn or broken roof shingles can lead to leaking and structural issues for your home.

One course of action is to hire contractors to begin removing your home’s old shingles and installing brand new shingles. In some cases, a less costly and better option for homeowners is a roof overlay install — which involves leaving your home’s old roofing materials on and installing new shingles over them.

Because the process of shingle removal is not necessary, roof overlays can be cost-effective and can reduce the time needed for your roof project. In the hands of quality roofing contractors, roof overlay adds insulation and another protective layer to the roof.

How to Overlay Roof Shingles?

First, every homeowner should have a professional inspection of his or her roof to determine if a roof overlay install is a good idea.

If your roof is a good candidate for roof overlay work, your contractors will first install a layer of roofing felt over the roof before installing the new shingles to protect the original shingles from moisture. Your roofers will then carefully trim and lay the new shingles over the old shingles, row by row until they reach the ridges of the roof.

When It Is Better to Overlay a Roof Rather Than Tear Off?

Most building codes allow up to two to three layers of shingles on a roof, so a roof overlay can be a good option if your roof is not exceeding those guidelines.

A reliable contractor will assess your roof to determine if your roof sheathing is damaged or the roof structure cannot support the weight of another layer of roofing. Depending on that assessment, your roofer may suggest merely adding a new layer of shingles over the old one.

How Long Does a Roof Overlay Last?

If your roof is deemed a good candidate for a roof overlay install and it is done professionally, a roof overlay system can add a new dimension to your roof and last nearly as long as a “new” roof, costing a fraction of the money and time.

Of course, you will want to have your roof looked at by experts to determine if a roof overlay would be a good option for you. To get a free roof overlay cost assessment, contact our team today!